CORE Projects was established in 2012 to improve the physical, mental wellbeing, health outcomes and social inclusion of young people and adults with learning difficulties.
CORE Projects is aimed at young people and adults with learning difficulties and disabilities who are looking to move on from school, college and day service provision. Our project is for those who have a recognised learning difficulty and disability and who are on personal budgets managed by the local authority or another organisation or who receive direct payments.
Those who come to CORE Projects are looking to improve their confidence, independence and want to develop a range of life skills in a safe and supportive environment.
We aim to tackle social isolation and inactivity and provide information and resources to support our young people and adults to access a variety of community facilities and resources that would otherwise be inaccessible.
If you know someone who would like to join CORE Projects or would like some more information please email info@core-projects.org.uk